Ms. Que on top of the world

Ms. Que on top of the world


Being a member of CBT Vietnam project since the beginning, Tran Thi Nguyet Que has a lot of experience working in Sapa and with local community. With the love for nature, tourism, and helping ethnic minority people, Ms. Tran ThiNguyet Que spent a lot of time staying in Sapa, especially the villages Tavan and Taphin, showing people there the value that they have and how they can develop tourism in a positive way. She has traveled and worked extensively in Asia including China, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Indonesia and continues to expand her experiences exponentially.

Ms. Que now is the  Vice Dean of Tourism faculty  at Hanoi Open University and holds a Bachelor of Administration in Hospitality from HOU, a Bachelor of English from Vietnam’s National Foreign Language University, and an MBA from the Hanoi National Economic University. She is now doing a PhD in the tourism field.

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