Working together to build and strengthen the capacity of local ethnic minorities, small business owners, village governments, and communities.
The PATA Foundation and Capilano University have formed a long lasting partnership in an effort to deliver tourism training to two ethnic minority villages: Taphin and Lao Chai in the Sapa region of Northern Vietnam.
Since August 2010, a new set of projects and training programs built off a previous five-year project (2002-2007). The project model sees Capilano University volunteer faculty, students, and alumni working with Hanoi Open University faculty and students on programs that build and strengthened the capacity of the local ethnic minorities, small business owners, village government, and communities as a whole.
What is CBT Vietnam? CBT stands for "community based tourism". The CBT VIETNAM PROJECT is a partnership between the PATA Foundation, Hanoi Open University and Capilano University. Our work builds from a successful 5-year, CIDA funded community tourism training initiative from 2002 - 2007.
What is community based tourism (CBT)? Community based tourism is a form of tourism where the local community has substantial control over and involvement in tourism development and management. Benefits remain within the community.
Are you a tour company? No, CBT Vietnam is a partnership between the villages and the training partners (Capilano University, Hanoi Open University and the PATA Foundation.
What do we do? Our goal is to ensure that benefits of increased tourist visitation are distributed widely in the villages and that the tourist experience is made positive for the visitor and host alike. Training areas focus on general tourism knowledge, tourism planning, entrepreneurship and environmental stewardship and homestay development.
How do host communities benefit? Income generated by homestay development is a significant outcome. We estimate that with these new opportunities a family previously earning $500/year now earns almost $2,400/year.
Where do we work? Our project maintains critical momentum in several remarkable village communities in Sapa, Vietnam. Sapa is in north Vietnam. We work with Black Hmong, Red Dao and Giay ethnic minority communities in the villages of Lao Chai, Tavan, Taphin and Giang Ta Chai.
How can you support the project? Sapa is an amazing travel experience. You can support the local communities by booking your visit at an authentic homestay in Sapa, Vietnam. You may also donate to the project.
What is a homestay? Homestays are an opportunity to stay with a local family. They are not hotels. They are an affordable accommodation alternative ideal for anyone seeking an authentic travel experience.
An estimated 40 authentic cultural homestays have been set up in 4 villages: LAO CHAI, TAVAN, TAPHIN and GIAN TA CHAI. We've also trained over 60 tour guides who supplement the homestay product with trekking tours to the villlages.
The UNEP and RPSC's Tourism InSPIRE Awards are given to organizations and initiatives that exemplify use and application of sustainable consumption approaches: resource efficiency, value chain approach, eco-innovation, sustainable consumption, sustainability reporting, community action, cultural heritage, and collective impact.
We are all incredibly honoured and share this accolade with so many individuals, communities and organizations.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the project from its inception.
We welcome your feedback, comments and questions.
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